Oct 7, 2010

Beautiful Orchids - Cymbidium variety

Cymbidium Full Bloom
Root Ball Ready for Dividing 

Split root system into two sections 
We love orchids and when my sister gave us a pot of orchids some years ago, we have grown and propagate our one pot of orchids to many more. They are hardy and easy to take care of and grows so profusely. Every other year after the blooms faded, we would remove the orchid from the tightly wound root ball, separate them into several pots.  Transplant them with lots of wood barks and potting soil mix. Keep the plants moist and in cool shady spot.  They will reward you with stunning flower displays for the following year. Leave the blooms in the pot and they will last for three months. This kind of orchid is called Cymbidium orchid. Keep them in cool, bright but shady location. You don't really need to pay any attention to them except for watering them. Remember, Cymbidiums can not stand heat, so do not keep them near heaters. They like cool outdoor weather.

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