Dec 2, 2010

The Mystery Plant - a Hybrid Cosmos & Marigold !

Hybrid cosmos marigold

Yellow and orange color cosmos like marigold or cosmos ?

We were posting about an unknown mystery plant that was unusually big right next to our patch of marigolds a few months ago. At first we thought it was a wild specie of weed that looks like marigold but very big in size growing very fast like weeds and no flowers or buds. We were about to throw it away as weeds.  After we started to blog about it, we wanted to find out what it will turn out if we kept it and water it........The leaves were identical to the marigold but much bigger. We called it the mystery plant. Then when fall sets in, the weather became cooler, it started to have buds that look like cosmos. Then all of a sudden they started to bloom and the flowers look like cosmos. The cosmos we used to have in the same area were all pink and white in color and now somehow through cross pollinations by the bees, our cosmos have a touch of marigold and they are all orange and yellow in color. The color must came from the marigold and the plant was actually a cosmos, we think ! A very interesting plant indeed. Wonder if anyone ever come across similar hybrid  cross pollinations, please let us know. This is only one single plant but has produced an immense array of flowers and color. Perfect for fall season.

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